About us

“Georgian Platform on Care” is a network of 3 coalitions of more than 40 organizations operating in healthcare field.

The mission of the Platform is to support development of human rights-based integrated care in Georgia.

The Platform was established in 2013 as a response to the main challenges of Georgian healthcare. Within the frames of implemented projects the Platform developed the concept of care system in Georgia, it evaluated the existing care system at the central and municipalities level, implemented advocacy activities, participated in the formation process and changes to the healthcare system, was actively involved in legislative activities, developed tutorials and educational programs. 

The platform’s mission covers three main themes:

  1. The biopsychosocial (holistic) approach (as opposed to the biomedical approach reflects the development of illness through the complex interaction of biologicalpsychological and socialfactors);
  2. Integrated care (a worldwide trend in health care reforms and new organizational arrangements focusing on more coordinated and integrated forms of care provision);
  3. A human rights-based approach to health (aims at realizing the right to health and other health-related human rights).

The Platform is open to any active coalition or professional union in the sector on the basis of shared values.